Sunday 10 March 2013


As you know, Pico has closed and I rarely go on Pigg. But that doesn't mean I'm not going to update! It may be harder because of less topics that I can do, but I am going to try! :D

...So yeah.

As you can see, I rarely post posts here anymore. It really is a shame, because I loved posting here. We've all been hugely affected by Pico closing. Pico closing means that there is barely anything I can post here, so I may not update as much!

Bye :) xxx

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Guys! It's been so long! Since the announcement that Pico was gonna close I haven't updated in forever! If anyone still reads this, I am SO SORRY!

Basically I have been told that there is a new website coming soon! Apparently It's the English language version of ameba pigg?

I wonder when It'll come out!!

I really can't wait for it, it looks awesome! I wonder though, It was supposed to be coming out 17/18 Feb and it's the 19th? I guess the longer it takes the better it will be! I just wish the creators wouldn't say it's gonna be out a day when they are not sure it is. I got my hopes up for those dates and feel quite disappointed now. Oh well.

I really miss Ameba Pico! I shared so many lovely memories with so many people, met some awesome new friends and just had the best time. It was really sad to find out that it was going to close and i'm sure we'll all miss it so much. But no matter what happens, we'll always have the pictures saved in our computers, or even just the memories to look back on.

R.I.P Pico World!

-Fiona xxx